
New Moon

moon, full moonWhen we can't observe the light of the Moon in the night, the New Moon has an essential impact on our organism. As well as the Waning Moon - New Moon is a phase of riddance.

Follow this instruction during the first 26 hours of the New Moon:

Solid foods are strictly prohibited. Drink more water, organic teas, smoothie detoxes to boost the effect provided by the New Moon. Regular green tea, salvia tea or other herbal teas will be a perfect option.

At the first 24 hours of the New Moon, you should keep up to the instructions in the Basic Moon Diet Plan - only drinks, avoid solid foods. Note, that detoxifying teas are your best helpers during the New Moon. Try salvia teas, teas with cinnamon and ginger, with dandelions and other metabolism-activating herbal teas. It is one more opportunity to cleanse and detoxify your body, and lose some extra pounds.

Full Moon

Follow this instruction during the first 26 hours of the Full Moon:

No solid foods. Drink more water, organic teas, smoothie detoxes to boost the effect that has been provided by the New Moon. Regular green tea, salvia tea or other herbal teas will be a perfect option.

Drink more water and juices from fresh fruits. Drink vegetable juices as well. It will help to pull all the odd water and toxins out of your organism during this period. It will fill you with new energy and improve your health, because excessive amount of water and toxins make us dull and easily tired.

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